it was actually pretty good
only a few complaints, 1, you didn't even have paper luigi/ mario sprites, 2, the text was cheesy, and 3, you didn't put backgrounds all the time, even just a sky would do it, but over all good flash.
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it was actually pretty good
only a few complaints, 1, you didn't even have paper luigi/ mario sprites, 2, the text was cheesy, and 3, you didn't put backgrounds all the time, even just a sky would do it, but over all good flash.
Thanks! but only 1 scene didn't have a background though
a very basic flash, but good, good animation, even though the idea's been taken a million times, you managed to make it some what original.
where to begin, where to begin... designs (suck) animation (decent) idea( ok) humor (got killed in this movie)... I'll give you a few hints, 1 make better designs, with hands and feet, 2, if you're going to put only text, at least make a text bar at the top or bottom of your screen instead of putting text right beside the people, that shows that you're an amature. 3, Watch funny movies to at least get a idea of what's funny. Better luck next time
really good game
best one i've played in a long time, advise play doesn't know what he's talking about. Good Job, put more levels in the next one.
This game is really good, there aren't very many bad points at all, just one, it's too easy. But that's all, amazing desings, great idea, one of the best i've seen on newgrounds.
good, but, some people are real jack asses
Well, i don't know how many times i've played this game on your website befor you put it on NG, but i find it amusing, love the music, fair idea, mario moves a bit too fast for my liking, but its ok, the jumping... yeah, he floats too much, try increasing the gravity in ur Action Script (should get rid of some shitty comments) and as said by a lot of people, good games, but i know you can do better than that.