Rofl, so true mate!
Rofl, so true mate!
yup... the best part is, we have the convo saved of htem admitting all htis, we're selling it for a dollar a piece.
lol pwned skuk!
yeah, I knows, he's gotta get a fuckin life... oh well, as my apology says, he won't have me interfering with his voting... have fun skuk, you shant be pissin me off no more, I actually feel really bad for you actually... oh well, let me know when you've grown up... tah tah. Good luck dyl.
i am truly proud of you brandon, you have come along way my son
and skuk and look a forest swap cum. u forgot that part mah brotha!
no, I was just going to leave that out so I wasn't letting the world know about it... ooops, I'm sorry again skuk and forest that you guys swap cum... I promise I won't tell them anything else about your private life like how skuk accidentally sucked out one of forest's balls and ate it thinking it was her shit, that's right I said her, and this her has balls, but no cock....oh damn, I'm sorry, I just gave away another one... I'm sorry...sorta...ok not really but you know... you had it cumming to ya... lol get it... cumming as in cum, as in what you guys eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, yeah... well have fun with doing that...